Feeling the interplay of energies . . . the joyful dance of abounding, playful, intersecting, swirling movements and the painful tug of seemingly contrasting, conflicting, and opposing forces.

Watching, noting the insipidness and
the righteousness of habitual thinking, giving validity to dualistic perception of either/or. The rational mind demanding control.
An old paradigm, used and now broken neural pathways leading nowhere.
Forging through the forest of predetermined thought, cutting the underbrush of overused metaphors, expanding possibilities for a new way of being in this world, exploring the unthinkable the untried, the impossible.
Breaking into freedom, setting down the weighty luggage filled with no's societal rules and imprisoning obligations. Leaving it by the roadside, casting it away, this heavy burden, useless on this current journey.
Clarity and direction arriving from a connection to courage. Courage to listen deeply and do what is asking to be done. To manifest the potential of this incarnation, not as just a reflection of another, but as a interconnection in the world.